
Showing posts from May, 2015

Vacation: To cheat or not to cheat?

To cheat or not to cheat? That is the question on vacation for most health-seeking people. Eating healthy while traveling can be both stressful and empowering, depending on the situation. I found on my recent vacation that mindset was paramount to my success, and starting out in a healthy place mentally and physically set me up for "good" decision making. I actively made the decision that being on vacation does not mean that I want to ignore what I know about nutrients, but also that sweating every little crumb I ate was not going to be fun either. I figured there has to be a balance there. When you're on vacation, you want to "soak up the culture" and "eat what THEY eat" and, of course, drink alcohol (if you're into that). However, I had two concerns about falling victim to the leniency I've given myself in the past on vacations. First, weight gain was always an inevitable part of adult vacationing for me. When I'm home I work out and eat...