
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Aftermath of Losing a Parent

       Wow. I have let two years pass since my last post, and I have regrets about that. I planned to document this journey better. I thought it would be cathartic. The truth is, writing is cathartic for me, but I often do it in private. There's a freedom in journaling that is lost when you know it will be posted publicly. Some may say there's a freedom in releasing it to the world, and I agree with that, too.        I'm trying to take myself back to the mindset I had in May 2016. I was pregnant and I didn't know it yet. I was a caregiver to my father, who was living at the skilled nursing facility where I worked and still work. I was exhausted and stressed but I was so actively trying to heal myself so I could get pregnant and be strong for my family. I was in a better place then than I was during the October before, when Dad was given 6 weeks to live and I was struggling with infertility. I'm happy to say I'm in an even better place now, though...