
Showing posts from January, 2019

A Pregnant Whole 30

The Whole 30 is an elimination diet program designed to remove most if not all inflammatory foods from the diet for a 30-day period, and then reintroduce them one by one to assess potential effects on the body. Primarily, I'd say its purpose is to identify food sensitivities, but it's also a nice "reset" for the body which can tell you a lot about how different foods have been making you feel. It is not intended as a weight loss program, but some people have the pleasant side effect of losing a few along the way as a result of eating much, much healthier! This was not the case for me, but I wasn't trying to lose weight.   I found out I was pregnant on Day 3 of my first official Whole30. The pregnancy was intentional. We had been trying for a few months, and I wanted to do more to maximize my health and my fertility. I was letting unhealthy foods creep into my diet, and I thought a fresh start with a Whole30 would be a good choice either way- improving my fertili...

Happy New Year 2019!

2018 was busy! I feel like I accomplished a great deal, making progress toward my career goals and my health. I finished the NTP program, certifying me officially as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner! I graduated in late October, and took the rest of the year off (still working my day job of course) to reflect and prepare myself mentally for what this year will bring. I have a LOT of feelings about finishing this program. I was eager to get this certification because I knew that a credential in this field would jumpstart possibilities for me. I also felt that making that career shift probably depended on some level of credibility that went beyond listening to podcasts and reading everything I could get my hands on. Now that I have the certification, I am overwhelmed. In essence, I have no excuses now. Before, I could tell myself, "Well, no one will listen to you unless you have a credential." First things first. Now, I am the only thing holding myself back from this caree...