My Mercury Amalgam Removal Story
Let's talk about why I had my metal fillings removed! In my studies to become an NTP, we had an incredibly eye-opening Detoxification module. We learned about the dangers of mercury exposure and the implications it can have on the body. Impacts of mercury are different for everyone and can include but are not limited to headaches, insomnia, neurological issues, hearing and vision loss, emotional instability and developmental delays. Conventional dentists may tell you that, if mercury is contained as it is in a filling, then it will not do damage to the body. This is simply false and depends on each individual case. Also, metal contracts and expands with changes in temperature, so as we eat and drink, our metal fillings do the same and can crack teeth over time. this leads to more dental work and the allowance of more decay and tooth sensitivity. If a filling is silver, it contains mercury, and I just found out that dentists are STILL using it. People accept this because they are ...