
Showing posts from March, 2019

Book Review: THE FOUR TENDENCIES by Gretchen Rubin- From a Questioner's POV

The Four Tendencies is a personality framework that describes how different people handle expectations.  Upholders readily accept outer and inner expectations Obligers readily meet outer expectations but struggle with inner expectations Rebels resist both inner and outer expectations Questioners readily accept inner expectations but struggle to meet outer expectations None of the tendencies is the "best" one to have. It's not about achieving a goal of the "perfect tendency," because there isn't one. Rather, each tendency comes with its own set of challenges and benefits. How we manage our own tendency (and those of others) is what makes the difference in our daily lives. I am a Questioner, for sure. I ask a lot of questions. I tend to only follow rules if I think they make sense, which means I’ve had issues with authority figures at times in my life. But if I understand and support a cause or have respect for a particular boss/teacher/parent, I ...