My 1st Birth Story- Ollie Joy
After writing about my second child's birth story I realized I should share my first experience as well, especially since during Maryn's story I referenced my first birth often. We knew Ollie was going to be a girl and she was named pretty much since before she was conceived. I was 4 days past my due date with her and hoping to go into labor naturally since I had an induction scheduled but I did not want to be induced. With everything I'd heard and read about the chances of c-section being higher with inductions, I was scared. At 12:38 pm on Saturday, January 28, 2017, my water broke. I was laying on the couch, literally just waiting for this exact thing to happen. I had even put on my "Feel Good Labor List" playlist on Spotify about 20 minutes before. We went out to breakfast that morning, and when we got home I cleaned the toilets. We were ready for things to start moving! It's funny to think back on because when you're overdue, you typically haven...