Eating Clean on a Budget
"Healthy food is too expensive." "I can't afford to eat well." "I'm too poor to shop at Whole Foods." These are common excuses for eating poorly, and they're not entirely unfounded. Fresh produce and sustainably sourced meats and fish can be expensive. I certainly don't do all my shopping at Whole Foods, either, because many items are overpriced. At the root of these excuses, though, is a lack of strategy to address the financial concerns. I will say that we, as Americans, may need to reevaluate the proportion of our salaries we concede to spend on groceries. If you compare it to that of other countries, it's low. It's like we want good health for the same cost of a poor, cheap diet. You often get what you pay for- but eating healthy doesn't have to break the bank. Here are some tips on how to maximize nutritional density of foods for minimal costs: Buy in bulk - get a big box store membership. Costco has...